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Skunks love bird seed, so clean it up when you see it on the ground. Feeding the birds around your home is great, but it can sometimes get a little messy. If you notice any bird seed on the ground, clean it up before nightfall to avoid attracting skunks. Remove food sources by securing your trash and pet food, and keeping your yard free of bird seed and grubs. Skunks are relatively docile and harmless animals who tend to mind their own business as long as they remain undisturbed.

The scent of it is terrible to skunks and will drive them out from under there. However, you’ll want to avoid getting up close and personal with it because you may get sprayed. You can easily scare it off by making a loud noise, spraying it with a hose, or even spraying the skunk with some repellent . If you see a skunk in your yard, it’s not hard to make it leave. When the skunk comes around, it’ll smell the scent of coyotes nearby and this may help repel them. Just like other citrus sprays, you can use apple cider vinegar mixed with equal parts water and spray it around your yard.
Where to Place and How to Set the Trap
Allow to cool, then strain the liquid into a clean spray bottle. Add keeping skunks away to your list of reasons to mow the lawn more often. Dont forget to put the trash out of your house otherwise the skunks will get attracted to the trash because of the smell. In the porch area try to create an L-shaped obstacle as it will not allow the skunks to dig under the porch. Despite their poor vision, skunks make up for this lack of sight with their keen senses of smell and hearing. If you want to find out how to repel skunks, you can use these features.

The old stories about animals foaming from the mouth and attacking wildly when they are carrying rabies are rarely borne out in real life. A rabid skunk, will, though, behave abnormally and it may be more aggressive than is typical for the species. In later stages, it may seem listless or may quiver and have trouble moving. If you suspect that a skunk is living under your home, porch, or other areas, inspect the potential entry point just after dark when the animal has left to seek food.
Use flashing night lights to scare ALL wildlife away
If you or your pet has ever been sprayed by a skunk, you’re probably not eager to repeat the process anytime soon. Getting rid of a skunk that has settled into your property can be done with a few prevention and repelling methods. In this article, we’ll give you a list of all the ways you can get rid of skunks and prevent them from coming back. Baby skunks are also commonly seen outside during the day. Possessing a very good defensive strategy, skunks generally do not attack pets—other than with a shocking spray to the face if the animal gets too close. If a skunk does bite a dog or other pet, it may be an indication that the skunk is rabid.

If the problem persists, try relocating the skunk with a live trap or call your local animal control for help with skunk removal. The best way to get rid of skunks is to apply your skunk repellent of choice around the entry point of the skunk den. Predator urine is incredibly efficient if there are baby skunks present. The simplest and best way to get rid of skunks is by eliminating their food sources. Still, they’re opportunistic omnivores that will happily take advantage of an easy snack. Skunks are nocturnal, shy animals, so if they’re coming onto your property, it probably means that they’ve discovered some tasty snacks.
How to Get Rid of Skunks Under House
Although they may still establish a nest in your crawl space, that can be fenced off with mesh or skunk fencing. You may also find various holes or disturbances in your lawn, which they dig up to gain entry to your home’s foundation. They burrow rapidly with their powerful claws and can easily form underground dens. The most obvious sign of hiding skunks is the musky scents that leak into your room. If you smell this constantly, a family of skunks may be hiding under your home.
The next time a skunk walks into proximity, the light will go off and the brightness of it will startle it and scare it off. No single method is proven to work for everyone, so the key to getting rid of them is to use a bunch of various DIY methods. If you really can’t get rid of them even after trying a bunch of these tips, consider hiring a professional skunk exterminator. You can manage and control skunks in your yard by using some home remedies.
This is a great way to have someone never ever visit your site again. Oh, and most states don’t allow transport of wildlife. Make sure it’s skunk you smell and not flowering pot plants hidden in your basement. If you see skunk tracks every day or so, it needs to be trapped and removed.
They’re not the prettiest creatures, and their smell is…well, let’s just say it’s unforgettable. Most skunks usually find shelter under homes and decks because they are able to find more food under there than they would in the forest. There’s also the risk of a skunk carrying rabies, so a bite might require you to get rabies injections from your local clinic. As you can see, it’s vitally important that you take action to get rid of the skunks under your deck. Probably the most distinctive feature of a skunk is the stripes running across its body. Some might only have one stripe, while others have a few running around their legs as well, making it easy for you to identify the creatures.
You can use a rag soaked in ammonia to chase a skunk from its den or parts of your yard temporarily, however. They’ll also explore your trash if the opportunity arises or steal food from outdoor pets. Some have even been known to kill chickens while scavenging for their eggs. And, of course, there’s always the risk of a startled skunk spraying a family member.

The skunk is known to be a dangerous animal, especially when they have their babies in their mouths. They have been known to attack animals and humans that enter their habitat which can result in them being injured or killed. The skunks in your home may not hurt you directly but they may harm your pets and other animals that live there with them if you don’t keep a close eye on them. So, you should always be careful when they are around because they can be dangerous if you do not protect them from getting too close. House mammals are a common source of pest infestations and are a serious safety risk. Skunks are no exception; they have the potential to attack even the most peace-loving of people.
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