Wednesday, January 15, 2020

How to Evict a Skunk .. Out From Under Your House for Less Than $5 : 4 Steps

Skunks love bird seed, so clean it up when you see it on the ground. Feeding the birds around your home is great, but it can sometimes get a little messy. If you notice any bird seed on the ground, clean it up before nightfall to avoid attracting skunks. Remove food sources by securing your trash and pet food, and keeping your yard free of bird seed and grubs. Skunks are relatively docile and harmless animals who tend to mind their own business as long as they remain undisturbed.

how to get rid of skunks under your home

The scent of it is terrible to skunks and will drive them out from under there. However, you’ll want to avoid getting up close and personal with it because you may get sprayed. You can easily scare it off by making a loud noise, spraying it with a hose, or even spraying the skunk with some repellent . If you see a skunk in your yard, it’s not hard to make it leave. When the skunk comes around, it’ll smell the scent of coyotes nearby and this may help repel them. Just like other citrus sprays, you can use apple cider vinegar mixed with equal parts water and spray it around your yard.

Where to Place and How to Set the Trap

Allow to cool, then strain the liquid into a clean spray bottle. Add keeping skunks away to your list of reasons to mow the lawn more often. Dont forget to put the trash out of your house otherwise the skunks will get attracted to the trash because of the smell. In the porch area try to create an L-shaped obstacle as it will not allow the skunks to dig under the porch. Despite their poor vision, skunks make up for this lack of sight with their keen senses of smell and hearing. If you want to find out how to repel skunks, you can use these features.

how to get rid of skunks under your home

The old stories about animals foaming from the mouth and attacking wildly when they are carrying rabies are rarely borne out in real life. A rabid skunk, will, though, behave abnormally and it may be more aggressive than is typical for the species. In later stages, it may seem listless or may quiver and have trouble moving. If you suspect that a skunk is living under your home, porch, or other areas, inspect the potential entry point just after dark when the animal has left to seek food.

Use flashing night lights to scare ALL wildlife away

If you or your pet has ever been sprayed by a skunk, you’re probably not eager to repeat the process anytime soon. Getting rid of a skunk that has settled into your property can be done with a few prevention and repelling methods. In this article, we’ll give you a list of all the ways you can get rid of skunks and prevent them from coming back. Baby skunks are also commonly seen outside during the day. Possessing a very good defensive strategy, skunks generally do not attack pets—other than with a shocking spray to the face if the animal gets too close. If a skunk does bite a dog or other pet, it may be an indication that the skunk is rabid.

how to get rid of skunks under your home

If the problem persists, try relocating the skunk with a live trap or call your local animal control for help with skunk removal. The best way to get rid of skunks is to apply your skunk repellent of choice around the entry point of the skunk den. Predator urine is incredibly efficient if there are baby skunks present. The simplest and best way to get rid of skunks is by eliminating their food sources. Still, they’re opportunistic omnivores that will happily take advantage of an easy snack. Skunks are nocturnal, shy animals, so if they’re coming onto your property, it probably means that they’ve discovered some tasty snacks.

How to Get Rid of Skunks Under House

Although they may still establish a nest in your crawl space, that can be fenced off with mesh or skunk fencing. You may also find various holes or disturbances in your lawn, which they dig up to gain entry to your home’s foundation. They burrow rapidly with their powerful claws and can easily form underground dens. The most obvious sign of hiding skunks is the musky scents that leak into your room. If you smell this constantly, a family of skunks may be hiding under your home.

The next time a skunk walks into proximity, the light will go off and the brightness of it will startle it and scare it off. No single method is proven to work for everyone, so the key to getting rid of them is to use a bunch of various DIY methods. If you really can’t get rid of them even after trying a bunch of these tips, consider hiring a professional skunk exterminator. You can manage and control skunks in your yard by using some home remedies.

This is a great way to have someone never ever visit your site again. Oh, and most states don’t allow transport of wildlife. Make sure it’s skunk you smell and not flowering pot plants hidden in your basement. If you see skunk tracks every day or so, it needs to be trapped and removed.

They’re not the prettiest creatures, and their smell is…well, let’s just say it’s unforgettable. Most skunks usually find shelter under homes and decks because they are able to find more food under there than they would in the forest. There’s also the risk of a skunk carrying rabies, so a bite might require you to get rabies injections from your local clinic. As you can see, it’s vitally important that you take action to get rid of the skunks under your deck. Probably the most distinctive feature of a skunk is the stripes running across its body. Some might only have one stripe, while others have a few running around their legs as well, making it easy for you to identify the creatures.

You can use a rag soaked in ammonia to chase a skunk from its den or parts of your yard temporarily, however. They’ll also explore your trash if the opportunity arises or steal food from outdoor pets. Some have even been known to kill chickens while scavenging for their eggs. And, of course, there’s always the risk of a startled skunk spraying a family member.

how to get rid of skunks under your home

The skunk is known to be a dangerous animal, especially when they have their babies in their mouths. They have been known to attack animals and humans that enter their habitat which can result in them being injured or killed. The skunks in your home may not hurt you directly but they may harm your pets and other animals that live there with them if you don’t keep a close eye on them. So, you should always be careful when they are around because they can be dangerous if you do not protect them from getting too close. House mammals are a common source of pest infestations and are a serious safety risk. Skunks are no exception; they have the potential to attack even the most peace-loving of people.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Remedies for Sore Throat: What to Do and When to See a Doctor

Honey is a traditional home remedy for sore throats. According to a 2016 study, taking 1 tablespoon of honey twice daily can help ease a sore throat. The study stated that honey has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties that can provide relief from sore throats and promote a faster recovery. Now let’s see how the benefits of these three natural antibiotics are used synergistically for an effective sore throat remedy that will heal and not just relieve symptoms. If a virus causes a sore throat, antibiotics will not help. Most sore throats will get better on their own within one week.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

People with strep throat usually start to feel better 24 to 48 hours after starting antibiotics. The only way to diagnose strep throat is with a throat swab. Your healthcare provider will rub the back of your throat with a medical swab that looks like a long Q-tip. A rapid strep test or a throat culture can look for the streptococcus bacteria on the swab.

Symptom checker

Other studies have found that chamomile may help fight infection and reduce pain . Limit coconut oil consumption to about 2 tbsp (30 milliliters ) per day, as it can have a laxative effect at higher dosages. When using coconut oil for the first time, start with 1 tsp at a time to minimize potential side effects. That said, studies have reported that after surgery, licorice could significantly reduce throat pain due to breathing tube removal . Combine 1 cup of warm water with 1 tsp of salt and stir to dissolve.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

The common sore throat is caused by a virus — like the flu or the common cold — and usually goes away in a few days. Strep throat is caused by a bacteria called Streptococcus pyogenes and should be treated with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. Someone who tests positive for strep throat but has no symptoms usually does not need antibiotics.


People with a Strep throat do NOT typically have a cough, runny nose, hoarseness, mouth ulcers, or conjunctivitis. If these symptoms occur there is more likely to be a viral cause for the sore throat. Sweets and ice cream (!).You don't have to seek out dedicated throat sweets, Professor Kumar says that sucking on a hard sweet also helps. It's an effective way of increasing saliva release to help lubricate your mouth.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

Reduces the number of patients who had one or more upper respiratory tract infections and reduced antibiotic use. The use of probiotics resulted in a reduction of upper respiratory tract infections. Proper hydration is the key to flushing out the virus or bacteria from your system and keeping your throat hydrated. Try to drink at least 8 ounces of water every two hours.

Common Winter Illnesses: Are You Contagious?

It is important to keep the throat’s mucous membranes hydrated so that they can heal. Animal studies suggest that it may help fight infection and reduce inflammation in areas exposed to it . Lemon contains vitamin C and other powerful antioxidants.

Facial flushing is common although a pale area may remain around the mouth. After seven days, the rash fades and some skin peeling may occur over the next month or longer, particularly around the fingertips, toes, and groin area. Anecdotal evidence suggests ingesting cayenne mixed with warm water and honey can help with sore throat pain, but this hasnt been proven scientifically. Once youre properly diagnosed and treated for a bacterial infection, your sore throat should clear up within a day or so. It really depends on whats causing your sore throat. Most sore throats will dissipate within three to 10 days if its caused by a viral infection like a cold, says Dr. Allan.

Add one half-teaspoon of baking soda with the saltwater to kill bacteria as well. If you just need a mild sore throat soother, I use a cinnamon and raw honey paste. First of all, it’s important to understand which remedies alleviate symptoms only versus those that will destroy the virus or bacteria at the root of the problem.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

Less than 1 in 3 sore throats is caused by a bacterial infection. Some sore throats are caused by the bacteria Strepococcus pyogenes. If bacteria are the cause, you tend to become very unwell and your infection seems to get much worse. If the sore throat is caused by bacteria, you may benefit from antibiotics. If you have a sudden, severe sore throat without coughing, sneezing, or other cold symptoms, you could have strep throat. Strep throat is a bacterial infection of the throat and tonsils.

How can you tell if you have strep throat?

Besides side effects, there are other good reasons not to use antibiotics unless you really need them. Unlike delta, omicron is more likely to populate the upper respiratory system. This is a shift from earlier variants that replicated in the lower respiratory tract, in the lungs, Dr. Galiatsatos says.

It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Streptococcal infections, a sore throat can be a sign of tonsillitis as well. Of course, streptococcal can cause tonsillitis, so it can be a combination of issues leading to a sore throat.

Sore throat Diagnosis and treatment

Sore throats are the most common ailments during winter and are characterized by pain, itchiness, or irritation of the throat. Staph infections account for a large percentage of all hospital visits related ... One of the most common things I hear from my readers is, “Dr.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

There’s no better time to add turmeric to everything. It’s incredibly anti-inflammatory (very helpful when you feel a cold, cough, or sore throat coming on!), and it brings a distinctive flavor to drinks and dishes. An oldie but a goodie, we created this warming winter drink to offer a double dose of antioxidants and caffeine in a delicious afternoon pick-me-up.

Omicron Appears To Live More In The Upper Airway And Less In The Lungs Than Delta And Other Earlier Variants

These can have a soothing effect and loosen mucus. Over-the-counter saline nasal drops or saline spray also can loosen nasal mucus. Try running a cool-mist humidifier in your child’s room or using steam from a hot shower for additional relief. It may help to go back and read “Get the Facts.” Taking antibiotics too often or when you don’t need them can be harmful and costly.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

Tonsillitis is often caused by a virus, and antibiotics will not be effective against it. Strep throat is an infection that, if not treated, can cause serious problems that affect the heart and lungs. Either can soothe a sore throat, but don't give them to children age 4 and younger because of choking risk. In many cases, doctors use a simple test to detect streptococcal bacteria, the cause of strep throat. The doctor rubs a sterile swab over the back of the throat to get a sample of secretions and sends the sample to a lab for testing. Many clinics are equipped with a lab that can get a test result for a rapid antigen test within a few minutes.

How Is Strep Throat Treated

This is another reason why bone broth is incredibly nourishing when you have a cold, cough, flu, or sore throat. Gargling with warm salt water may reduce swelling and irritation in the throat. Mix ¼ to ½ teaspoon of salt in 8 oz of warm water and gargle . You can suck on ice chips or popsicles to relieve the pain and coughing from a sore throat. Over-the-counter lozenges and cough drops work, too — but they’re not recommended for children under the age of two. You can use a numbing throat spray or over-the-counter pain relievers, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to keep you comfortable as you rest.

One dosage regimen should be chosen that is appropriate for the person being treated. If you have a sore throat so severe you are having difficulty swallowing, speaking, or breathing, seek urgent medical care. It could be strep throat, which requires antibiotics to prevent complications. Medicated lozenges.You can buy throat sweets containing local anaesthetic, antiseptic or anti-inflammatory ingredients.

When to See a Doctor

A virus causes the most common type of sore throat and is not strep throat. Sometimes someone with strep throat also has a rash known as scarlet fever . This content is for informational and educational purposes only.

Some people add spices, such as cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger. Oh yeah — you should also be of legal drinking age to try this one. “Liquids help clear mucous membranes, keep things flowing and prevent sinus infections,” says Dr. Allan.

MedTerms medical dictionary is the medical terminology for Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy-to-understand explanations of over 19,000 medical terms. MedTerms online medical dictionary provides quick access to hard-to-spell and often misspelled medical definitions through an extensive alphabetical listing. Our team aims to be not only thorough with its research, but also objective and unbiased. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. If you have a high temperature or you do not feel well enough to do your normal activities, try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until you feel better.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

People have used extracts from the marshmallow plant, Althaea officinalis, to treat sore throats and other conditions since ancient times. Garlic is unique among natural antibiotics because of its ability to destroy a wide variety of pathogens including viruses, bacteria, and fungus. All this is accomplished without harming beneficial gut flora . In fact, garlic promotes intestinal health by acting as a prebiotic for the beneficial flora present in the gut. Use honey to relieve cough for adults and children at least 1 year of age or older. Only 3 in 10 children with a sore throat have strep throat.

What Is Scarlet Fever

You’ll want to sip on this nourishing drink all winter long. This mug of citrus contains vitamin C, electrolytes, freshly grated turmeric (anti-inflammatory), creamy coconut milk, and more. On a scale of 1-10, how connected are you to your body’s needs? Being out of touch means we won’t realize that our habits are causing stress. If that rings a bell, it’s time get curious and identify some habit shifts.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

Prevent the development of rheumatic fever and other complications. The way you use oregano oil will largely depend on what kind of infection youre dealing with. You should also use tissues to cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing and promptly dispose of the tissue. This involves effective handwashing with water and soap and using hand sanitiser if you don't have access to water.

This might mean dropping that diet that’s stressful—once and for all. Or maybe, you need to get in the habit of starting your day off in a slower, more peaceful manner. At the end of the day, to understand whatisworking for us, we have to pay attention to whatisn’t.

home remedy antibiotics for sore throat

Monday, January 13, 2020

VA Loan Closing Costs

The VA funding fee is a one-time payment that the Veteran, service member, or survivor pays on a VA-backed or VA direct home loan. This fee helps to lower the cost of the loan for U.S. taxpayers since the VA home loan program doesn’t require down payments or monthly mortgage insurance. You'll be able to get an idea of your closing costs from your mortgage lender as they are required to provide you with an Initial Loan Estimate. This estimate provides a sense of the closing costs you might need to pay. These are typically early estimates, particularly for third-party costs and fees that lenders can’t control.

LendingTree is compensated by companies on this site and this compensation may impact how and where offers appear on this site . When facing closing costs, you might not have the funds available. The VA loan allows you to include some of the closing costs into your total loan amount. This is a one-time fee that you pay to the Department of Veterans Affairs. The point of the funding fee is to support the continuation of the VA home loan program.

Recording Fee

In some cases, that can mean building those costs into your offer. VA loans, for example, include the VA funding fee for non-exempt borrowers as part of their closing costs. Paid directly to the Department of Veteran Affairs, this one-time cost helps the VA fund future home purchases. Type of mortgage loan to fund a home purchase, you are going to run into closing costs.

va home loan refinance closing costs

That being said, it is possible to find lenders who offer very low or even no-cost IRRRLs, usually available only to returning customers. Due diligence is essential to be sure you have a full understanding of what you’re being charged in either case. If you’re working with a lender offering a “no closing fee” refinance, pay close attention. As with VA Streamlines, costs and fees can vary by lender and other factors.

Mortgage Learning Center

Depending on your situation, you may decide to purchase optional discount points, opt for a home inspection or owe additional homeowners association dues. If you’re buying a property with another person, you’ll each be charged a credit report fee. VA appraisal fees vary based on market demand, location and home type.

The VA caps the lender’s compensation on VA loans to 1% of the total loan amount. Fees for items such as processing and underwriting may not be charged if this 1% fee is charged to the veteran. Also, active duty service members who have received a Purple Heart won’t have to pay this fee.

What are the Closing Costs on a VA Home Loan

Depending on the market, the seller may choose to pay additional closing costs. If a home you’re interested in has been on the market for a while or you’re house shopping in a buyer’s market, it could be worth negotiating with the seller. To keep VA borrowers from being overcharged, lenders cannot charge an origination fee equal to more than 1% of the total loan amount. You’ll pay a lower VA funding fee the first time you use your VA mortgage benefits. The fee goes up for every subsequent no down payment or VA refinance loan you take out.

va home loan refinance closing costs

The VA insures loans, making them more attractive to private lenders. The VA won’t let buyers pay real estate commissions for either the buyer’s or the seller’s agent. The fee charged by escrow for preparing final loan documents can’t be passed on to the VA homebuyer.

Will I have to pay the VA funding fee?

Neither, Mortgage Research Center nor ICB Solutions are endorsed by, sponsored by or affiliated with the Dept. of Veterans Affairs or any other government agency. If you submit your information on this site, one or more of these companies will contact you with additional information regarding your request. By submitting your information you agree Mortgage Research Center can provide your information to one of these companies, who will then contact you.

Some fees are not allowed to be charged, per VA loan program guidelines. Repeat homebuyers pay higher fees, but refinances through the VA’s Interest Rate Reduction Refinance Loan require only a 0.5% funding fee. You can also pay a lower fee by making a down payment of 5% or higher.

Recording fees

Turn your home equity into cash and reduce your mortgage rate at the same time. Typically, you’d need a credit score of 620 to borrow, though some lenders make exceptions. Fees charged by the escrow company to send a notary to the borrower for a signing appointment somewhere other than the escrow company’s office. In addition, the escrow company makes sure all parties sign all the final loan documents and sale documents.

va home loan refinance closing costs

Credit Report Fee Your lender may charge a credit report fee to help cover costs incurred while pulling your credit. They can be dependent on a variety of items including title insurance, appraisal, closing agent fees and any regulatory or recording fees. Also, like the majority of mortgages Veteran Affairs loans require an escrow account be set up for the borrower’s property taxes and insurance. These accounts collect a portion of the taxes and insurance that are pre-paid at closing.

She co-created the 30 Day Immune System Challenge at Information provided on Forbes Advisor is for educational purposes only. Your financial situation is unique and the products and services we review may not be right for your circumstances.

va home loan refinance closing costs

In some areas, the seller of the home pays for the owner’s title policy, and the buyer pays the lender’s policy. Discount points let the borrower pay cash up front for a lower mortgage rate for the life of the loan. This is optional, but it can save money if you keep the home loan long enough to benefit from the lower rate. Reyna Gobel, M.B.A. and M.J., is a financial and physical fitness journalist, author, and course instructor who’s published on,, and Her CliffsNotes books on repaying student loans and paying for college were picked as book of the month by Michelle Singletary in The Washington Post three times.

Now, it looks as if we’re in store for another round of changes. As the homebuying scene is evolving and technology becomes more actively involved, the VA is making adjustments to ensure that military borrowers aren’t left behind. Here are some of the changes that may be on the horizon in 2023.

VA Loan Closing Costs and Fees

For example, if you’re getting a VA streamline refinance for your current VA loan, you can skip the inspection and appraisal fees because you paid for them the first time around. VA loan closing costs average around 1 to 3 percent of the loan amount on bigger home purchase prices, and 3 to 5 percent of the loan amount for less expensive homes. You’ll go through a private bank, mortgage company, or credit union—not directly through us—to get a cash-out refinance loan.

va home loan refinance closing costs

Some closing costs, like the VA funding fee and the loan origination fee, are based on your total loan amount while others are flat fees charged on any loan amount. As we mentioned before, most VA loan borrowers must pay a VA funding fee for a home purchase or refinance. The amount you pay depends on whether or are a first-time or subsequent VA loan borrower, the size of your down payment, the VA loan type and other factors. The funding fee is one expense that you can add to your loan total for a reduced upfront closing costs payment at the closing table. VA funding fees are automatically added to your loan balance on a purchase loan unless you decide to pay them out of pocket.

Recording Fee

The VA won’t allow buyers to pay attorney fees beyond title work, sales commissions for real estate agents, termite remediation letters, and lender’s fees beyond 1% of the loan amount. Closing costs range from about 1 percent to 5 percent of your home’s purchase price. Costs vary widely because some closing fees are flat while others are charged as a percentage of your loan amount. Below are some rough estimates of closing costs amounts for a VA loan. Keep in mind the types of fees and their amounts vary greatly by geographic location.

Depending on your situation, you may decide to purchase optional discount points, opt for a home inspection or owe additional homeowners association dues. If you’re buying a property with another person, you’ll each be charged a credit report fee. VA appraisal fees vary based on market demand, location and home type.

VA Loan Closing Costs: How Much You’ll Pay

The VA protects homebuyers from excessive costs by regulating real estate transactions. Sometimes sellers interpret the VA’s regulations as too complex or restrictive. However, this should not deter homebuyers who qualify for the VA loan benefit from using it. Your lender could help pay closing costs in exchange for charging you a higher mortgage rate over the life of your loan.

Some lenders may charge an origination fee or other fees to cover their costs, while others might not. You’ll also hear this called a “permanent buydown,” because you’re paying money upfront to buy a lower interest rate. This isn’t something many VA buyers do, but it’s an option and a loan-related cost.

VA Appraisal Fee

The good news is that the VA has protections for Veterans and service members that put a cap on certain fees for VA loans. You should know that adding the VA funding fee and other loan costs to your loan could lead to you owing more money than the fair market value of the home. This could reduce the benefit of refinancing since your payment wouldn’t be as low as you may want it to be.

va home loan refinance closing costs

This money “primes the pump” so to speak so that when your property taxes and insurance come due, there’s enough in reserve to pay them. The lender requires this prepayment because they want to make sure any damage done to the home will be repaired. Homeowner’s insurance is just like any insurance policy — it renews every year and will need to be paid again each year. This is an ongoing insurance policy, paid every year, on any home that is located inside a flood zone. The lender requires the home to be insured against flooding, which is not covered by the standard homeowner’s insurance policy. We’ll take a closer look at the various types of closing costs in the next section.

Can you roll closing costs into a VA loan?

They can choose to either charge you a flat 1 percent origination fee, or pick and choose among a host of fees, so long as they add up to no more than 1 percent. If the lender isn't charging the flat 1 percent fee, then VA buyers can pay some fees and charges that would otherwise be unallowable. Who pays what in closing costs and concessions is always up for negotiation. Seller concessions on VA loans are limited to 4% of the purchase price, but it’s important to understand that sellers aren’t obliged to pay any costs on your behalf. But you can always request that the sellers pay a portion, or all, of the closing costs when you’re making a formal offer on a home.

And that helps ensure you ask for the right amount of closing costs and concessions in your offer. Title insurance protects lenders and homebuyers if liens, legal defects or other title-related issues are discovered after closing. Lenders will usually require the purchase of the lender’s title insurance, which only protects their interest in the property. You should strongly consider paying the one-time fee for the owner’s title insurance to ensure you’re covered as well. Although you can’t include all of your closing costs in your mortgage, the VA does allow you to roll your VA funding fee into your total loan amount.


Check out the VA’s appraisal fee guide to see the maximum you’ll pay based on county and state. Veterans who receive a funding fee refund may wish to send the refund to their mortgage servicer to apply the refund toward the principal balance of their VA-guaranteed home loan. Bankrate is compensated in exchange for featured placement of sponsored products and services, or your clicking on links posted on this website. This compensation may impact how, where and in what order products appear.

va home loan refinance closing costs

We do not offer financial advice, advisory or brokerage services, nor do we recommend or advise individuals or to buy or sell particular stocks or securities. Performance information may have changed since the time of publication. VA home loan program has been around for over 50 years and has undergone numerous changes since its establishment. The program was started in 1944 as part of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, which was designed to assist troops returning from war and help them readapt to civilian life.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Rivera Family Funeral Home Taos, New Mexico

All cremations are under our control and supervision and the process is always respectful and dignified. Rivera Family Funerals & Cremations is a full-service provider with facilities in Santa Fe, Espanola, Taos, and Los Alamos, New Mexico. We have proudly served the residents of Northern New Mexico for over 80 years.

Green burials, also known as natural burials, have been growing in popularity. Rivera Family Funeral Home – Taos is one of New Mexico’s few providers of environmentally-friendly burial options. Say enough to express the way we feel and how grateful we are for their compassion and kindness. Doreen took charge and made a difficult time a memorable time. You truly made a big difference during a very difficult time.

Profile: Rivera Family Funeral Home - Taos

This is generally required if you will be needing any assistance from the staff for the service. We have not yet written a funeral home review for this home. Our typical funeral home review with describe our overall experience during casket delivery as well as customer service feedback both from our team and our clients. This floral arrangement has red roses, winter greenery, pine cones and gold orna... This arrangement has 12 red roses accented with white lilies presented in our c...

rivera family funeral home taos

See the things your family will need if something happens to you. This is the fee for additional preparation of the body, such as dressing and casketing. This is the fee for the funeral home to come pick up your loved one and bring him/her to the funeral home for preparation.

Caskets for Sale

For over seventy years the Taos community has trusted Rivera Family ... Ever Loved's funeral marketplace makes it easy to purchase caskets, urns and more directly from independent sellers at great prices. This is the cost to purchase a casket from the funeral home.

You may purchase programs through the funeral home or elsewhere, if you wish. This is the fee to transport your loved one from the funeral home to funeral events in a hearse. This Ever Loved listing has not been claimed by an employee of the funeral home yet. Denominational cemetery open to everyone in the community. Rivera Family Funeral Home owns and operates its own crematory.


We will take the time to plan every detail and help to relieve the burden on your family during your time of loss. Rivera Family Mortuaries is proud to serve the Taos community with funeral, cremation and cemetery services. We honor and celebrate the lives of those in our community, working closely with their family members to incorporate specific needs and customs.

rivera family funeral home taos

We offer distinctive, personal, and affordable services designed to help you honor your loved one in a way that is unique to them and meaningful to you. This arrangement has blooms like lilies, roses, and carnations in shades of pink... One dozen roses in a vase with greenery and an accent flower such as misty or gy...

Rivera Family Mortuaries in Taos

For all inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us directly. We will listen and help you plan a celebration that honors your loved one.

We’ve created this easy to use form that lets you start the process by gathering basic information. This Beautiful bouquet is sure to impress anyone with blooms like tulips, roses,... This bright and colorful arrangement has lots of bright blooms such as lilies, r... This Christmas arrangement has blooms like roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, an...

Is the primary provider of funeral and cremation services that create a healing experience for families and their loved ones. With our many years of experience in caring for people from all walks of life, you can expect compassionate care, high integrity, and excellence in service. We believe the most valuable thing we own is our good reputation.

rivera family funeral home taos

Family members’ requests for memorial services that incorporate family and local cultural traditions. The staff continues to provide outstanding service even after the funeral has occurred, such as helping with ordering a headstone for the gravesite. Fresh flowers are a wonderful gift for every occasion.

Enchanted Florist has a wide selection of flowers and gifts, from romanticAnniversaryroses to tastefulSympathyArrangements to gift baskets and Holiday flowers. No matter the reason, whether it’s yourAnniversary, aBirthdayor aGet Wellgesture, Enchanted Florist can provide beautiful arrangements to suit your budget. We are able to offer a wide range of services to meet your families needs and customs. We will listen to you and your wishes to help plan a celebration consistent with your expectations.

This location is formerly known under the name, Rivera-Hanlon Funeral Home. — Thank God for the wonderful staff at Rivera’s Funeral Home. Doreen, Sandy, Gloria and the staff at Rivera’s Funeral home were all amazing! The service provided for our family was exceptional and professional.

Two dozen red roses are arranged with assorted greenery and a accent flower such... This bouquet has Red, green and white flowers with winter greenery in a cute Bah... The Rivera family has owned & operated full service funeral homes in both Colorado & New Mexico. Rivera Family Mortuaries is dedicated to providing services to families with care and compassion.

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. FloristOne offers same day delivery from local florists.

River Haven Village Apartments for Rent

Pedcor has two apartment communities that are under construction and acquired this month. Learn more about these apartment communities and our construction division by reading below. All information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Redfin and its affiliates may receive compensation if you contact a rental property or sign a lease.

river village apartment homes

Our beautiful apartments have quality options to make you feel at home. Purchase will include 9 additional FREE application submissions to participating properties. You might be able to get out and walk when living in this area.

What neighborhood is the property located in?

River Village Apartments is located in University Park in the city of Flint. Here you’ll find two shopping centers within 1.6 miles. There are also five parks within 6.3 miles, including Longway Planetarium, Applewood, and Flint Children's Museum. The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the Broker Reciprocity Program of GAMLS. All real estate listings are marked with the GAMLS Broker Reciprocity thumbnail logo and detailed information about them includes the name of the listing brokers. The broker providing these data believes them to be correct, but advises interested parties to confirm them before relying on them in a purchase decision.

river village apartment homes

IDX information is provided exclusively for Consumers' personal, non-commercial use, that it may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties Consumers may be interested in purchasing. Data is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed accurate by the MLS. Copyright © 2022 Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS® The listing broker’s offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed. The design of the community is a Low Country aesthetic with building elevations that feature three-story units in the middle of the building and two-story units on the building ends. The site plan was designed around not disturbing a major, live oak tree. The apartment floorplans include studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom designs.

Community Amenities

River Village Apartments is an apartment community located in Genesee County and the ZIP Code. This area is served by the Flint, School District Of The City Of attendance zone. Pedcor is continually expanding through acquisitions and newly constructed apartment communities. We are eager about the opening of Broad River Village and our other under-construction properties that are anticipated to be completed next year. Riverwood Apartment Homes and Broad River Village will create more living opportunities and growth for the communities in Port Royal, South Carolina, and Crestview, Florida.

Some errands can be accomplished on foot, but for others you’ll need a car. Located along the Flint River about an hour northwest of Downtown Detroit, Flint is the largest city in Genesee County. As a college town, it is home to the University of Michigan-Flint, Kettering University, and Mott Community College.

Property Ratings at River Village Apartments

With a place to walk, bike, and explore there are options for everyone. Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. River Village I is 41.8 miles from Savanna Army Depot Washington, and is convenient to other military bases, including Savanna Army Depot Hanover. You might be able to find places to ride your bike in this area, but you’ll most likely want your car for most errands.

river village apartment homes

Parks near River Haven Village include Mercury Park, Grand Haven Campground, and Pottawattomie Park. See our gallery of images that show off our amazing community. River Oaks is the perfect place you want to call home!

River Village apartments is nothing more than a haven for drug addicts and drug dealers. One of the security guards that worked there had a brother that came into the bulilding and robbed an elderly man at gunpoint. He was not fired until long after the incident for other reasons.

river village apartment homes

Ratings are on a scale of 1 to 10 and can include test scores, college readiness, academic progress, advanced courses, equity, discipline and attendance data. We also advise parents to visit schools, consider other information on school performance and programs, and consider family needs as part of the school selection process. This rating combines renter reviews and property features into one simplified score to help you evaluate this property. Factors that influenced these ratings include building design, construction, exterior spaces, and amenities. Zillow Group is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

Property Ratings at River Village I

Signature’s Construction and Plan Production teams work closely with Pedcor’s Development and Engineering departments to facilitate a total turnkey construction package. As an industry leader in multi-family construction, Signature Construction, LLC has the experience, expertise, and proven track record to produce quality, timely, energy-efficient, and cost-effective projects anywhere in the country. The apartment units will be available to residents with incomes at 50%, 60%, and 80% of the area median income and the community will also have market-rate apartments. The property’s ideal location is between two popular destinations, Hilton Head and Charleston, SC in a charming area with a strong employment base. The apartment community will provide affordable housing in a heavily tourist-driven area. Pedcor Companies is a full-service development, construction, property management, banking and finance team committed to creating stable, inclusive, and quality rental housing across the nation.

river village apartment homes

Elan River Village welcomes cats and dogs; please see our pet policy as some restrictions may apply. Pedcor is a full-service development, construction, property management, banking and finance team. Signature Construction broke ground for Broad River Village in January of 2021. Signature Construction’s multi-family division is an in-house construction group for the Pedcor family. The division acts as our General Contractor on all multi-family apartment communities throughout the United States. Since its inception, in 1986, Signature has helped develop and construct over 16,000 multi-family housing units in 16 states.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Speak Easy in Moorhead closing on May 29

If you represent a community listed above and would like to claim your listing, please contact us. WDAY-TV reached out to Moorhead Rehab and the facility is refusing to make any comment at this time. The WDAY-TV news team has been combing through these documents today to learn more about the violations. This Department of Health and Human Services investigation from April spells out the findings in more than 200 pages.

moorhead nursing home closing

I'm now matching you with one of our senior living specialists who will call you within the next few minutes. Check out Assisted Living in MOORHEAD, MN for all assisted living facilities in the area. Bay View Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Red Wing, special focus facility. They found several violations at the facility with concerns about their quality of care, administration and safety. Um, we just assure our students that we do have steps in place. We have internal discounts, um, so corporate partner discount, military discount, and then we have a Change A Life scholarship.

Moorhead School of Nursing Campus

Lastly, we also looked at some nursing quality-based metrics in determining our nursing grades. This nursing home performed very well in the area of avoiding major falls and pressure ulcers. We consider these areas to be good indicators of the quality of nursing care.

This indicates the percent of residents who were given antipsychotic medications. While antipsychotic medications may be vital to many residents, it is important to make sure these drugs are being used appropriately. In some situations, excessive reliance on these medications may mean that a nursing home is using these medications to subdue residents. The Moorhead Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center issued a media release on Monday that it’s working to protect staff and residents after a resident contracted COVID-19.

Valley Care And Rehab

Any calls to toll-free numbers found on will be answered by our partners providing senior living placement services who will try to match you with a senior living community. Few of the changes will have broad impact on skilled nursing homes that are already regulated by the state and federal government. At an elder abuse awareness conference June 5, Gov. Tim Walz signed into law new protections for seniors and vulnerable adults in Minnesota. Kate Goodrich, CMS chief medical officer, said the agency now plans to continue to release the entire list of facilities being considered for stricter oversight. “CMS welcomes the recent attention on nursing home quality of care that has amplified the important national dialogue,” Goodrich said in a statement.

moorhead nursing home closing

Moorhead Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center did not return phone calls asking for comment. The Moorhead home also was cited for allowing a resident to develop a painful pressure ulcer on a heel and failing to inform the resident’s doctor of the worsening ulcer. Moorhead Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center in Moorhead last fall faced the possible suspension of federal payments, but that penalty was lifted after the home addressed deficiencies. The facilities that face the threat of tighter oversight have about 1,200 beds and in the past three years were the subject of a total of 14 separate complaints and nearly $472,000 in fines. Sean Burke, policy director for the Minnesota Elder Justice Center, said it was unfortunate that oversight was so underfunded there are hundreds of facilities that should get more oversight, but don’t.

Short-term Care Quality

This is a measure of the percent of long-term patients that have experienced falls resulting in severe injury. Falls can happen for a variety of reasons, but high rates of falls resulting in injuries may be a sign of lower levels of patient supervision. Source — Payroll Based Journal daily staffing reports filed by this nursing home with CMS. If you are searching for senior apartments in MOORHEAD, see all options for Senior Housing in MOORHEAD, MN that includes independent and assisted senior housing. Jan Malcolm, who returned to her post as health commissioner to help address the state’s oversight failings, called the legislation “historic.” She also noted the state has more work to do.

moorhead nursing home closing

Our BSN offers robust support, tutoring assistance and small interactive classes to help you earn the licensure you need to become a BSN-credentialed RN. This statistic gauges the percentage of long-term patients who suffered from pressure ulcers . We consider this statistic when determining both nursing and long-term care grades. On Monday, Republican North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum issued an executive order formally suspending visitations to long-term care facilities.

Most options in the state

It's just students need to figure out which is gonna be the best path for them. Perhaps you are already a licensed RN, one who wants to continue onward and upward. You can broaden your skills with a BSN degree built around strategic leadership and practices. And it positions you to seek leadership roles at your next level. Moorhead Rehabilitation & Healthcare Center is located in Moorhead, Minnesota, a city with 40,766 people. With an overall grade of C, this is likely a solid nursing home.

moorhead nursing home closing

This is the second long-time business this week in the Fargo-Moorhead area that is closing up shop. The Borrowed Bucks in Fargo announced on May 25 that they will cease operations on June 4. Call your local advisor in Eden, NC and make an appointment to view Morehead Nursing Center.

Long-term Care Quality

This nursing home seems to have some things working in its favor. One of the major highlights of this nursing home's report card is its exemplary nursing score, which we will address in the next paragraph. A resident of the Meadows on University in Fargo reached out to our Whistleblower Hotline over the weekend that one of its residents tested positive for COVID-19.

moorhead nursing home closing

On the other hand, based on the information this nursing home provided, they do not appear to employ physical therapists. Finally, we considered the number of residents that were able to return home from this facility. We found that 0 percent of this nursing home's residents returned home.

We would advise paying close attention to any deficiencies on a facility's inspection reports when it receives this poor of an inspection grade. We recommend you pay close attention to the severity of the deficiencies. This particular nursing home was hit with a category J through K deficiency, which rank among the worst categories of deficiencies. This generally means that the government inspectors found a deficiency which puts patient health or safety in imminent danger.

moorhead nursing home closing

Friday, January 10, 2020

Who pays the nursing home while Mom is in penalty period?

The look-back rule has established guidelines penalizing individuals for gifting and transferring their property to become eligible for Medicaid. First, it is essential to understand why the Medicaid look-back rule is in place. Medicaid is an assistance program providing benefits based on means test. A means test looks at the monetary resources a person has available to pay for specific goods or services. The program then determines if the individual qualifies based on their income and assets.

how to pay for nursing home during penalty period

Another variation, for example, is in the state of New York. The rules governing the transfer of assets under fair market value do not extend to home care . Some states may also allow for small gift exceptions. For instance, Pennsylvania allows individuals to give up to $500 total / month without being in violation of the Medicaid look-back period.

Apply And Qualify For Benefits Fast, Or Appeal If You've Been Denied

Commonly, if possible, it is the applicant’s family that covers the cost of long term care during the penalty period. If Medicaid finds that an applicant has gifted or sold assets under fair market value within the 60-month Medicaid look back period, the agency penalizes the applicant. The penalty is that the applicant is ineligible for Medicaid long-term care benefits for a specific period of time known as the Medicaid penalty period.

Annuities are Medicaid compliant because they turn assets into income, thereby lowering the assets the Medicaid candidate has to an amount below the Medicaid eligibility limit. Purchasing an annuity during the look-back period is not in violation of Medicaid’s rules. Having said that, each state has slightly different rules with regards to Medicaid annuities and their beneficiaries. However, they may not be well informed about the Medicaid compliance of their products. The contract needs to state the amount of compensation the caregiver will receive in return for duties / services provided. The payment for a caregiver agreement is sometimes paid in advance.

Financial Eligibility Requirements For Long

If an applicant has assets over Medicaid’s limit, they must “spend down” the “excess” assets to meet the limit, and hence, become asset eligible. When “spending down” assets, it is vital that one does not violate Medicaid’s look back rule by giving away countable assets or selling them under fair market value. If an applicant, or their spouse, has made a disqualifying transfer, Medicaid will assume the assets were transferred with the intention of meeting the asset limit. The penalty for violating Medicaid’s look back rule is a period of time in which one is denied Medicaid long term care benefits. Besides the total amount of assets an applicant has gifted or sold, the penalty period’s length depends on a particular state’s Medicaid look back rules. This amount is then divided by the penalty divisor to come up with the number of days / months / years for which one is penalized.

The penalty for violating the Medicaid look-back is a period of time that one is made ineligible for Medicaid. You are not supposed to move into a nursing home on Monday, give all your money away on Tuesday, and qualify for Medicaid on Wednesday. So the government looks back five years for any asset transfers, and levies a penalty on people who transferred assets without receiving fair value in return. This penalty is a period of time during which the person transferring the assets will be ineligible for Medicaid. The penalty period is determined by dividing the amount transferred by what Medicaid determines to be the average private pay cost of a nursing home in your state. To meet the income and asset limits to qualify for Medicaid, it is common for an applicant to attempt to ‘spend down’ their excess money or resources.

What is the “Penalty Period”?

The renewal process paperwork - due like couple of weeks from receiving - I had no idea even happened and had packed all of my mom’s stuff submitted initially in storage, that was a fun weekend. Learn how a special needs trust can preserve assets for a person with disabilities without jeopardizing Medicaid and SSI, and how to plan for when caregivers are gone. Distinguish the key concepts in estate planning, including the will, the trust, probate, the power of attorney, and how to avoid estate taxes. In addition to nursing home care, Medicaid may cover home care and some care in an assisted living facility. Coverage in your state may depend on waivers of federal rules. If Dad gave stuff away in the 60 months before applying for Medicaid, Medicaid will impose a Penalty Period.

While perhaps obvious, the penalty divisor is not consistent from state to state, and sometimes even varies based on the geographic region within a state or is nursing home specific. Some states use a daily penalty divisor, some states use a monthly divisor, and some states have both a daily and monthly divisor. That’s a good question and it's a huge problem with the law. It often means that nursing homes don’t get paid in full during the penalty period.

Professional Medicaid Planning Assistance connects families who are caring for aging parents, spouses, or other elderly loved ones with the information and support they need to make informed caregiving decisions. Find out how to choose a nursing home or assisted living facility, when to fight a discharge, the rights of nursing home residents, all about reverse mortgages, and more. We explain the five phases of retirement planning, the difference between a 401 and an IRA, types of investments, asset diversification, the required minimum distribution rules, and more. Learn about grandparents’ visitation rights and how to avoid tax and public benefit issues when making gifts to grandchildren. There are ways to handle excess income or assets and still qualify for Medicaid long-term care, and programs that deliver care at home rather than in a nursing home.

how to pay for nursing home during penalty period

If so, can the annuity pay out and the Trust pay out each month whatever $ amount she has as a shortfall from her SS income to totally pay her NH bill? They both get done as a scheduled deposit first of the month into her checking account that gets her SS$. Then you as her DPOA and signature on her checking account write a check from her checking to Shady Acres NH to cover that months bill. Most states have laws on the books making adult children responsible if their parents can't afford to take care of themselves. Medicaid says that for every $9000 Dad gave away, Medicaid imposes a one-month penalty.

Does Medicare Pay For A Nursing Home When Money Runs Out?

There are many different types of Medicaid programs. And the look-back period does not necessarily play a role as an eligibility factor in all of them. However, this page is only concerned with those Medicaid programs that are relevant to the elderly. And the Medicaid look-back period applies to Medicaid long-term care services.

The penalty divisor that is used is the current penalty divisor at the time of application; the penalty divisor at the time of the violation is irrelevant. To protect the non-applicant spouse from having insufficient assets for proper living, Medicaid allows the transfer of assets between spouses without violating the look back rule. Typically, for eligibility purposes and to prevent spousal impoverishment, the agency allows the applicant spouse to transfer assets to their non-applicant spouse without triggering a Medicaid penalty period. However, an applicant should be careful when making such transfers to avoid mistakes and potential penalization. Prior to any asset transfer, you should always seek the help of an Elder Law Medicaid Attorney to guide you through the process.

Can You Have Your Period Twice In A Month

Unlike Medicare, which only covers a part of a qualified individual’s nursing home costs for up to 100 days, Medicaid is a joint federal and state benefit that can pay for a nursing home when money runs out. Medicaid is actually the largest payer for long-term care for seniors and, in most cases, will pay for the full cost of nursing home care, even if the applicant requires it for the rest of their life. These months are called the Medicaid penalty period. Since you have spent down your assets to qualify for Medicaid, it would be very difficult to pay for the long-term care within the penalty period. Many times, the family of the applicants helps to pay during the Medicaid penalty period.

how to pay for nursing home during penalty period

How To Pay Off Mortgage Faster

That saves you over $28,500 in interest if you see the loan through to the end. Another way to pay off your home loan faster is to simply pay extra when you’re able. The 30-year home loan is most popular, but lenders offer shorter loan terms, too.

how to pay a home loan off faster

If you’re like most Americans, you owe money toward a large loan. Whether that means carrying thousands of dollars in credit card debt, having a mortgage in your name, or making car loan payments each month, loan debt is part of your life. This means you’re looking at hundreds of dollars in interest payments over the life of the loan. There’s also the mental load of knowing you owe perhaps tens of thousands of dollars and that you’ll be paying back the loan for years to come. However, if you do end up with a 30-year mortgage, it's a good idea to try to make extra payments on your loan each year if you can. This trick is subtle but can help you pay off your debt faster and generate more savings in the long run.

Will paying off my mortgage affect my taxes?

Ourfinancial advice provider statementhas some important information you should know about ANZ and our financial advice services. Thankfully, with the actionable steps outlined in this post, you would better understand the most brilliant way to pay off your mortgage without going bankrupt. This post has compiled a detailed piece of information that will give you enough insight into how to pay off your mortgage early and have peace of mind.

how to pay a home loan off faster

Just be sure to compare their rate to another bank to be certain they aren’t charging you a higher interest rate. Doing this shaves off close 2 years of your mortgage and saves close to $17,000 in interest. So make sure you are smart about how much you spend when taking advantage of this mortgage pay off trick.

Final Thoughts On Paying Off Mortgage Early

Doing this will help you to pay off your mortgage faster and save you money. This is one extra payment a year compared to simply making a mortgage payment once a month. Biweekly payments takes your monthly payment and cuts it in half, so that you make a half payment every other week, or twice a month. If you got a bonus or an increment, use it to pay more towards home loan installments. Extra repayments at any time can help lower the time and interest cost of your home loan.

The lender provides you its money, and you should beware of its proposal if a financial company doesn't seem to expect your repayments. Payments to Midland Mortgage can be sent via email to appropriate requisites or can be made by wire transfer. Midland Mortgage offers several options to make mortgage payments. You’ll need to consider whether penalty fees would apply if you pay off your current mortgage early. But these may be offset by repayment savings when you switch home loans. We can walk you through the fees that could apply in your circumstances and how to obtain the information that you need from your current lender.

What happens if I make 1 extra mortgage payment a year?

Amortization is the process of paying off debt with a planned, incremental repayment schedule. Anamortization schedulecan help you estimate how long you will be paying on your mortgage, how much you will pay in principal, and how much you will pay in interest. Making changes to how large or frequent your payments are can alter the amount of time you are in debt.

A large part of your credit score is made up of your credit utilization rate. This ratio measures your total debt in relation to your credit limit. Ideally, you want your total debt to be at least 30% or lower than your credit limit. When you pay off debt sooner, your total debt levels will drop and your credit score will get a boost. The rise in interest rates during the recession forced many homeowners who could pay their mortgages on time into default. Extra payments on your mortgage may also help you save on interest and shorten the length of your loan.

Recap of ways to pay off your mortgage faster

For your peace of mind, it’s advisable to pay off your mortgage faster. If your cash flow is not large enough to allow lump-sum payments, you should avoid this method. But in a situation where you can generate extra income, you can occasionally reduce your balance with lump-sum payments.

how to pay a home loan off faster

Plus, you’ll end up making 26 half-payments each year, which translates into an extra full payment each year. Depending on the type of loan you have, the boost in frequency can mean getting out of debt months or even years sooner. Lenders use numerous methods to calculate prepayment penalties.

Nevertheless, you must know that not everyone can be eligible for refinancing. Sometimes, some people can’t be offered a shorter term to pay off their mortgages because they don’t have the financial capacity to do that. Usually, people get the 30-year home loan, and that’s the most popular mortgage offer. But sometimes, lenders may decide to offer shorter loan terms.

how to pay a home loan off faster

Payments are made every two weeks, not just twice a month, which results in an extra mortgage payment each year. There are 26 bi-weekly periods in the year, but making only two payments a month would result in 24 payments. Both weekly and fortnightly repayments allow you to reduce the principal on your home loan faster since you’ll be making repayments more than once a month. However, they will usually need to pay closing costs and fees to refinance. Borrowers should run a compressive evaluation to decide if refinancing is financially beneficial.

But this method requires coming up with a lump sum of cash. Some homeowners like to time their extra payment with their tax return or with a yearly bonus at work. Many homeowners choose to make one extra payment per year to pay off their mortgage faster. As someone who just bought his house this summer and new to mortgage, my wife and I are looking into strategizing our funds to balance between investing and mortgage paydown. We dont want to use the full term of the mortgage, so we will be looking into paying it down faster. Just a few small extra payments each year could mean a huge savings in the long run.

how to pay a home loan off faster

Longer loans mean lower monthly car payments, which is important when you’re looking at $25,000 or more for even a basic new vehicle. To calculate amortization, first multiply your principal balance by your interest rate. Next, divide that by 12 months to know your interest fee for your current month. Downsizing – It basically refers to selling your old home and buying a smaller one. Most borrowers see this as a mortgage exit strategy when they reach the age of retirement. Downsizing can help you free up some extra cash and pay off your home loan sooner.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Motley Crue Home Sweet Home Lyrics

The "titty shot" girl slept with my friend's boyfriend in highschool and apparently was spreading a gift that kept on giving back then. For the 1991 re-release, a new video was made, this time a black-and-white clip directed by Matt Mahurin. In 2013, former American Idol contestant Todrick Hall made a version of the song in a medley video in tribute to The Wizard of Oz. The original release of "Home Sweet Home" charted at No. 89 on the Billboard Hot 100, and "Home Sweet Home '91" peaked at No. 37 on the same chart in 1992. To date, "Home Sweet Home '91" is the last Mötley Crüe song to chart in the American Billboard Top 40. Motley Crue is far from being a political band, but with Fight For Your Rights, we find the band taking on issues around race and invoking Martin Luther King Jr.

home sweet home motley

It was originally released in 1985 on the album Theatre of Pain, and again in 1991 for the Decade of Decadence compilation album. It has been covered by several artists, most notably country singer Carrie Underwood, who released her version as a single in 2009. There have been few fans who these days have remembered the Mötley Crüe classic, “Home Sweet Home” in their networks, now that we are forced to stay a few days in our “home sweet home”. Finally, it has been the band itself that has revived their song by giving it a new lyric-video with images from the biopic ‘The Dirt’, with which they encourage all their followers in these times of quarantine. The clip finishes with Moore deciding to perform his own version of the track at a club, with Vince Neil eventually joining Moore onstage. Moore admitted that the reservations he had concerning how his version would go over with the Mötley Crüe band members were quickly laid to rest.

Lyrics Home Sweet Home Motley Crue

Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. In the name of song explanation, Al talks about scoring heroin for William Burroughs, and that's not even the most shocking story in this one. Kelly Keagy of Night Ranger tells the "Sister Christian" story and explains why he started sweating when he saw it in Boogie Nights.

home sweet home motley

The track closes out Theatre of Pain, and while it only scratches the surface of race relations, its one of those tracks thats always a surprise when revisiting the Crue catalog. Internet Archive's in-browser audio player requires JavaScript to be enabled. Search the history of over 770 billion web pageson the Internet. Please don't scroll past this—the Internet Archive is growing rapidly, and we need your help. As an independent nonprofit, we build and maintain all our own systems, but we don’t charge for access, sell user information, or run ads. We'd be deeply grateful if you'd join the one in a thousand users that support us financially.

Las más escuchadas de Mötley Crüe

Lyrical themes often deal with love and lust, with songs often directed at a particular woman. When Motley Crue showed their record label with a new LP that incorporated an emotional ballad, the label refused it completely. But the group pushed for the song because they believe fans supported songs by power-charged rock bands that quieted down for big emotional outcome. Mötley Crüe performs in the music video "Home Sweet Home" from the album "Theatre of Pain" recorded for Elektra Records. Footage of the band plays at they performs the song at concerts at The Summit in Houston, Texas, and Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas. Country singer Carrie Underwood recorded a cover version in 2009 as the contestant farewell song for the eighth season of American Idol.

"John's piano version of "Home Sweet Home" was arranged by @John___Murphy, composer of The Suicide Squad & Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3" – via Twitter. A parody of this video was used for the end credits of the 2010 film Hot Tub Time Machine, with Rob Corddry's character Lou "Violator" Dorchen clothed in Vince Neil's purple vest, white tiger striped spandex & headband, with the band's name altered to "Mötley Lüe". It also parodies some of the same clips from the original video.

Mötley Crüe: Home Sweet Home

Opening the bands self-titled 1994 album, the track is a gritty anthem that doesnt get enough love in the Crues catalog. Hmmm…the early days often found the Crue too for love, it seems. Regardless of the descriptor, it certainly made for fun songwriting as evident with Too Fast For Love, another raw tune from Motley Crues debut that really showed the bands punk influences. We didn't know what to do, so we started writing songs for Theater Of Pain and 'Home Sweet Home' started to come out. The lyrics came out of that feeling of being gone so long and wanting to come back, which is ironic, right? Because all you ever want is to get in a band and go on the road, but then you're on the road and you want to come home."

home sweet home motley

The Tattoo In The Dirt, McGhee gets a tattoo that says Entertainment or Death, the original title for the bands third album. Neil promptly informs him Sixx has just changed the title to Theatre of Pain, rendering the ink irrelevant. This happened, but not to McGhee, so we have to label this one FICTION.

Home Sweet Home Motley Crue Piano

Nikki Sixx recalled during a 2012 episode of his national radio program, Sixx Sense, how the band had to fight for this song to be included on a record. "Our record company back in the day, Elektra Records, we turned in Shout At The Devil and they rejected the album," he said. I mean they took what van halen sarted and catapulted it into the stratosphere.

Clearly, the band knows its living life dangerously, but they just cant stop because they have a big payday ahead. Saints of Los Angeles was Motley Crues first studio album following their reunion with Tommy Lee in 2004. At this point in their career, the band really had nothing left to prove, but that didnt stop them from putting out one of their strongest singles in years with the title track, which is loosely about when the Crue first signed with Elektra Records in the 80s. Aesthetically glam metal draws heavily on the or glitter rock of the 1970s, often with very long backcombed hair, use of , use of , gaudy clothing and accessories . The visual aspects of glam metal appealed to music television producers, particularly , whose establishment coincided with the rise of the genre. Glam metal performers became infamous for their debauched lifestyles of drugs, strippers and late-night parties, which were widely covered in the tabloid press.

Watch The Simpson’s Parody Video Of Pink…

Tommy lee's piano part during the song was supposed to be played on a grand piano. When they got to the recording studio there was nothing but a flimsy keyboard. When the band re-released the song in '91 tommy had the chance to record with a grand piano as planned. The video for Justin Moore's version covers an entire day of the country star's life on the road. "We were actually able to take the day and split it up into about six setups to make it feel as though Justin was on the road," the director Sane Drake explained. "Home Sweet Home" is a power ballad by American heavy metal band Mötley Crüe.

home sweet home motley

Of course, Primal Scream was one of the final singles released during Vince Neils first tenure fronting the band. Its one of the finest examples of each member of the Crue operating on all cylinders. Tommy Lee performed the song on piano when he guest starred as a singer on the TV series Californication at the end of the episode of "Lights, Camera, Asshole". The song is often referred to as a power ballad, and its success became a lucrative, marketing template for other hair bands of the late 1980s. The song ranks number 12 on VH1's list of the greatest power ballads. Keep Your Eye On the Money acts as a pseudo-title track on Theatre of Pain, especially on the lyrics, Comedy and tragedy/Entertainment or death/Like sister morphine/Hooked on her game/Time to place your bets, which make subtle reference to the albums cover.

Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls

Simply put, its a fun track with a big sing-along chorus, which makes it puzzling as to why they only performed it live once at a December 1982 show in Santa Monica, Calif. according to Musically, glam metal combines a sound with elements of and , adding -influenced catchy and guitar . Like other heavy metal songs of the 1980s , they often feature solos. They also include extensive use of harmonies, particularly in the characteristic slow, emotional songs that gradually build to a strong finale. These were among the most commercially successful singles in the genre and opened it up to a wider audience that would otherwise not have been attracted to traditional heavy metal.

home sweet home motley

Mötley Crüe released an official 2020 lyric video for this song as a way to encourage its fans to stay at home. "And so we came out with 'Smokin' In The Boy's Room,' and that album blew up. And then we wanted to release 'Home Sweet Home' , and said, 'No way. No way.' So we funded it, we shot the video ourselves, went on MTV and the rest is history." The 40 Greatest Power Ballads Playlist — Classic Rock Magazine Ah, the memories. Grown men in spandex and scarves, with ratty hair, crooning about lost loves and busted hearts. That might sound cringe-worthy now, but when Bon Jovi released Slippery When Wet in '86 they could do no wrong.

"But that song ['Home Sweet Home'] was never a hit single," he added. Though Home Sweet Home is hard to beat, there are a TON of songs like this. This link has many of my favorites including Fly to the Angels, Silent Lucidity, I Remember You, and more. The song was included on the deluxe edition of her third studio album Play On, released exclusively in Australia and New Zealand. The song was re-recorded by Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington on co-lead vocals along with Mötley Crüe in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The music video for the song shows videos of Katrina rescues, along with a performance from the band.

Home Sweet Home by Mötley Crüe

"John's piano version of "Home Sweet Home" was arranged by @John___Murphy, composer of The Suicide Squad & Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3" – via Twitter. A parody of this video was used for the end credits of the 2010 film Hot Tub Time Machine, with Rob Corddry's character Lou "Violator" Dorchen clothed in Vince Neil's purple vest, white tiger striped spandex & headband, with the band's name altered to "Mötley Lüe". It also parodies some of the same clips from the original video.

home sweet home motley

In 2009 Carrie Underwood recorded a countrified version for the farewell song on the 2009 season of American Idol. Her version charted higher than the original, reaching #21 in the US. They performed it as the encore at their December 31, 2015 concert in Los Angeles, the city where they got their start. It was the last stop on their "Final Tour," which they made sure would be their last one by signing a legal agreement before the tour began stating that they would never tour again.

Lyrics Home Sweet Home Motley Crue

The song was remixed again in 1991 with additional instrumental overdubs. Now called "Home Sweet Home '91", it was released as a single with a new video and included on the Decade of Decadence compilation. Most parents seek out a variety of moderately priced toys for gift-giving purposes, but because kidults often have allowances or, like, full-time jobs, they are willing to spend more money on items. When released on the "Decade of Decadence 81-91" compilation album in 1991, this song was entitled "Home Sweet Home '91" because it was remixed again for that release. The original remix was used for promotion of the single in 1985 and was later released on the Japan-only EP "Raw Tracks" in 1988.

home sweet home motley

Modern times and new bloods pumping/Only the strong survive were the lyrics that closed out Hooligans Holiday, the lead single from the Crues self-titled 1994 studio LP featuring John Corabi on vocals. The obvious style change from the band due to having a new singer and to keep up with current trends was met with a mixed reaction at best, but since the release of Motley Crue strong tracks like Hooligans Holiday have managed to survive. Sure, the Corabi era will always feel a little strange, but you cant deny quality regardless of whos behind the mic. One of the rare Crue songs credited to all four members of the band, Bitter Pill was a new track that was included on 1998s Greatest Hits album.

More Songfacts:

The end of the video shows the same tour bus with the words "Rockin 'N' Rollin" on the marquee. The video topped the MTV daily request chart for over three months, until MTV invoked the "Crue Rule", dropping videos from their request line 30 days after their MTV premiere. Theatre of Pain was the Crues third studio album, and by that time, they were already rock stars, but on Raise Your Hands To Rock, they still look back fondly on the days before they were household names and just trying to make it.

Opening the bands self-titled 1994 album, the track is a gritty anthem that doesnt get enough love in the Crues catalog. Hmmm…the early days often found the Crue too for love, it seems. Regardless of the descriptor, it certainly made for fun songwriting as evident with Too Fast For Love, another raw tune from Motley Crues debut that really showed the bands punk influences. We didn't know what to do, so we started writing songs for Theater Of Pain and 'Home Sweet Home' started to come out. The lyrics came out of that feeling of being gone so long and wanting to come back, which is ironic, right? Because all you ever want is to get in a band and go on the road, but then you're on the road and you want to come home."

Las más escuchadas de Mötley Crüe

If you listen to Rattlesnake Shake and think the horn section sounds an awful lot like the one used on Aerosmiths Looks Like A Lady, its because tenor saxophonist Tom Keenlyside, baritone saxophonist Ian Putz and trumpet player Henry Christian played on both tracks. Whether or not this was a planned homage to Aerosmith or just a happy accident, Rattlesnake Shake is one fun tune. The second single from Shout At The Devil, Too Young to Fall in Love boasts one of the Crues hookiest chorus and campiest music videos ever. The whole plot is a mystery beyond words, so just go and watch it…after you finish this list, of course.

home sweet home motley

Oddly enough, when this compilation was reissued in 2009, Bitter Pill was omitted along with Enslaved and the remix of Glitter from Generation Swine. In fact, Bitter Pill isnt even available on streaming platforms right now, which is a shame because its a beyond catchy pop-rock tune. As Motley Crue looked back on ten wild years on their first greatest hits album Decade of Decadence, they did so with a new track in Primal Scream, and its an absolute monster that packs as much attitude as anything they dropped in the previous decade.

About The Motley Fool

Clearly, the band knows its living life dangerously, but they just cant stop because they have a big payday ahead. Saints of Los Angeles was Motley Crues first studio album following their reunion with Tommy Lee in 2004. At this point in their career, the band really had nothing left to prove, but that didnt stop them from putting out one of their strongest singles in years with the title track, which is loosely about when the Crue first signed with Elektra Records in the 80s. Aesthetically glam metal draws heavily on the or glitter rock of the 1970s, often with very long backcombed hair, use of , use of , gaudy clothing and accessories . The visual aspects of glam metal appealed to music television producers, particularly , whose establishment coincided with the rise of the genre. Glam metal performers became infamous for their debauched lifestyles of drugs, strippers and late-night parties, which were widely covered in the tabloid press.

home sweet home motley

Now brands like LEGO have a toy based on basically every IP in the world to attract sentimental kidults. Forget Timmy and Jane, "Kidults" are actually the ones keeping the toy market afloat today, using their discretionary income to buy their nostalgia and keep toy sales revenue up even as sales volume slumps. Just because it's a toy adults play with doesn't make it an adult toy. Forget Timmy and Jane, "Kidults" are actually the ones keeping the... Discover the stars who skyrocketed on IMDb’s STARmeter chart this year, and explore more of the Best of 2022; including top trailers, posters, and photos. In 1998, Lee served six months in county jail after pleading to kicking while she was holding their son Dylan.

Home Sweet Home Lyrics

We didn’t know what to do, so we started writing songs for Theater Of Pain and ‘Home Sweet Home’ started to come out. Because all you ever want is to get in a band and go on the road, but then you’re on the road and you want to come home." 30 Foot Fall included a cover version of the song as a bonus track on their album Ever Revolving, Never Evolving. John Cena performs a heartfelt, instrumental rendition of the song at the end of the sixth episode of Peacemaker. Drummer Tommy Lee re-recorded the song in 2011, for Season 4 of the TV series Californication, and has a cameo in "Lights, Camera, Asshole" performing the song on piano in a bar at the end of the episode, the third episode in the show's fourth season was named for this song.

They also started glam in the U.S.Plus, they started, arguably, the sub-genre known as sleaze metal.They don make-up for one album, the next year, Poison and Cinderella get signed. They release Girls, Girls, Girls, within the next six months, G-N-R gets an album deal and cuts thier infamous debut. I'm telling ya, I would have a hard time believing that ther was a more influential bande in the 80's, and even to this day, t0o a certian extent. Oh, yeah, although not their best, absolutely top 10, in their catalouge. The piano intro plays over a clip of a tour bus driving by at sunset. The rest of the video shows the band pre-concert and performing on stage, shot at The Summit in Houston, Texas and Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas .

Lyrical themes often deal with love and lust, with songs often directed at a particular woman. When Motley Crue showed their record label with a new LP that incorporated an emotional ballad, the label refused it completely. But the group pushed for the song because they believe fans supported songs by power-charged rock bands that quieted down for big emotional outcome. Mötley Crüe performs in the music video "Home Sweet Home" from the album "Theatre of Pain" recorded for Elektra Records. Footage of the band plays at they performs the song at concerts at The Summit in Houston, Texas, and Reunion Arena in Dallas, Texas. Country singer Carrie Underwood recorded a cover version in 2009 as the contestant farewell song for the eighth season of American Idol.

home sweet home motley

Paul Stanley on his soul music project, the Kiss songs with the biggest soul influence, and the non-make-up era of the band. Berryman can also be seen in the movies One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Hills Have Eyes. When this song was first released in 1985, it peaked at #89 in the US. In 1991, a new version was released as "Home Sweet Home '91," which made it to #37. Genius is the ultimate source of music knowledge, created by scholars like you who share facts and insight about the songs and artists they love. It was also recorded by Limp Bizkit for their Greatest Hitz album, and is joined by a remake of "Bitter Sweet Symphony" by The Verve.

Too Fast For Love Too Fast For Love

Tommy lee's piano part during the song was supposed to be played on a grand piano. When they got to the recording studio there was nothing but a flimsy keyboard. When the band re-released the song in '91 tommy had the chance to record with a grand piano as planned. The video for Justin Moore's version covers an entire day of the country star's life on the road. "We were actually able to take the day and split it up into about six setups to make it feel as though Justin was on the road," the director Sane Drake explained. "Home Sweet Home" is a power ballad by American heavy metal band Mötley Crüe.

home sweet home motley

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